1. 20.9.201411:00Lecture

              Treasures of the Treasure Island

              Petr Babák (CZ)

            2. Presentation of a project of the Department of Graphic Design and New Media, or The Treasure Island, at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague under the guidance of Petr Babák. Regular morning presentations of the students, graduates and workshop leaders of the department as a response to the generally very bad ability to talk about one’s work. The students prepare a structured presentation, write a brief synopsis, design a poster, create a FB event and other promotion of the presentation that is public, are in touch with the school PR, provide the recording of the event with subtitles, edit it and place it on the department’s youtube. The series that currently includes over 20 recordings serves as a teaching method, as well as a public report about the department’s progress through graphic design.


              This lecture will be held in Czech language.

              This event is a part of the OFF Program – open space devoted to workshops, interventions, and other presentations and activities related to graphic design. The authors are solely responsible for the nature of this event. The program is subject to change.

          1. OFF Program

          2. 19.6.201420:00Opening
          3. OFF Program is an open space devoted to workshops, interventions, and other presentations and activities related to graphic design.

            1. Summer Term
            2. Fall Term
            1. 20.9.201412:00Lecture

              Analysis of Type Interferences

              Simon Péter Bence (HU)

            2. 20.9.201410:00Lecture

              City = Medium

              Jan Matoušek (CZ)

            3. 19.9.201421.9.2014Presentation

              CLAUS (Community Loaded Archive For URL Sharing)

              Slowtech Factory – Nadine Scherer, Sarah Schmitt, Diana Walaszek, Christian Weber, Daniel Weberruß (DE)

            4. 13.10.201414.10.2014Workshop

              Design as a Social Reflection of Society

              Pavel Noga (CZ)

            5. 19.6.201426.10.2014Exhibition
              19.9.201420:00newspaper launch

              distracted-workshop #1: may change

              a split/fountain collaboration with Xin Cheng, Jack Hadley, Layla Tweedie-Cullen (NZ), Jayme Yen (US); presenting actions by Chris Berthelsen, Nell May (NZ), Anne Fenton, Kristin Posehn (US)

            6. 20.9.201415:00Lecture

              Do skeletons of hero WWIII carrier pigeons dream of post-digital museums?

              Martin Conrads, Franziska Morlok (DE)

            7. 19.9.2014Guided tour

              Graphic Design Walks

              Gabriela Šafářová, Zdeněk Ryneš, Marie Lukáčová, Nikola Kalinová, Iva Vránková (CZ)

            8. 19.9.201419.9.2014Workshop

              Mapping References

              Alex W. Dujet, Ann Griffin, Constance Delamadeleine (CH)

            9. 19.9.201426.10.2014Exhibition
              20.9.201418:00lecture + film screening

              “Musiques d’autrefois, échos d’aujourd’hui”

              Catherine Guiral, Brice Domingues (FR)

            10. 17.9.201421.9.2014Workshop

              Parallel School

              Robert Haselbacher, Robert Preusse, Stefanie Rau, Till Wittwer (DE)

            11. 20.9.201416:00Lecture

              Picking Up, Turning Over, Putting With

              Traven T. Croves – Andrew Lister, Matthew Stuart (GB)

            12. 19.9.201426.10.2014Exhibition

              Space Available

              Erica Preli (IT)

            13. 20.9.201414:0020.9.201417:00Workshop

              Starting something we cannot finish

              Xin Cheng (NZ), Louise Hold Sidenius (DK)

            14. 19.9.201421.9.2014Workshop

              Strategies of the Invisible

              Indeed (Paula-Marie Kanefendt, David Voss) (DE)

            15. 20.9.201411:00Lecture

              Treasures of the Treasure Island

              Petr Babák (CZ)

            16. 18.9.201419.9.2014Workshop

              Unfolding DesignBlog

              Henk Groenendijk, Dima Stefanova (NL)

          4. The program is subject to change. Some events require prior registration.